The competition between Univision and Telemundo stations in top markets across the country continues to heat up. Both networks celebrated ratings wins during November sweeps. But the battle between the rivals came down to key demos.
Univision’s Noticias 23 in Miami, for example, is making a comeback at 6 pm. For the second month in a row, the station took over the #1 spot at 6 pm in the 18-49 demo. But Telemundo 51 is boasting a #1 spot at 6 pm in the 25-54 demo, regardless of language, and among adults 18-34 as the most-watched Spanish-language program in the time period.
However, Noticiero Telemundo 51 remains the leader in the market, regardless of language, at 11 pm among adults 18-49 and 25-54 for the 32nd consecutive month, while Noticias 23 comes in at #2.
Univision’s 6 pm newscasts ranked #1 in Los Angeles, New York and Miami, while the 5 pm in Houston and Dallas led among adults 18-49.
Telemundo scored the top spots at 11 pm regardless of language in Los Angeles among adults 18-34 and 18-49 and at 10 pm in Houston among adults 18-34.
Telemundo Boston, which only launched live local newscasts 3 months ago, had the most-watched Spanish-language program in the market at 11 pm among adults 18-34, 18-49 and 25 to 54.
Here’s additional market ratings info provided by both networks:
KVEA 52 Los Angeles
Noticiero Telemundo 52 at 6 AM (Monday to Friday) – most-watched local newscast among all Spanish-language stations in the market, averaging a 0.2 rating for adults 18-34.
Noticiero Telemundo 52 at 11 PM (Monday to Friday) – outranked all English-language competitors in the market, averaging a 0.6 rating for adults 18-34 and a 0.8 rating for adults 18-49.
Source: NSI Los Angeles Live+SD preliminary program and time period average ratings and impressions November 2015 Sweep Period (October 29, 2015 – November 25, 2015)
WSCV 51 Miami:
Noticiero Telemundo 51 at 5:30 PM (Monday to Friday) – most-watched newscast in the market, regardless of language among adults 18-49 and 25-54, averaging a 1.1 and 1.6 rating, respectively; the newscast was also the number one Spanish-language program in the market among adults 18-34, averaging a 0.5 rating.
Noticiero Telemundo 51 at 6 PM (Monday to Friday)- top spot in the market, regardless of language, averaging a 2.0 rating for adults 25-54; the newscast was also the most-watched Spanish-language program adults 18-34, averaging a 0.6 rating.
Noticiero Telemundo 51 at 11 PM (Monday to Friday)- most-watched newscast in the market, regardless of language, averaging a 1.3 rating for adults 18-34, a 1.8 rating for adults 18-49 and a 1.9 rating for adults 25-54.
Source: NSI Miami-Ft. Lauderdale Live+SD preliminary program and time period average ratings and impressions November 2015 Sweep Period (October 29, 2015 – November 25, 2015)
KTMD Houston:
Noticiero Telemundo Houston at 4:30 PM (Monday to Friday)- outranked all English-language competitors in the market among adults 18-34, averaging a 0.6 rating
Noticiero Telemundo Houston at 10 PM (Monday to Friday) was the most-watched program in the time period and in any language among Adults 18 to 34, averaging a 1.62 rating.
Source: NSI Houston Live+SD preliminary program and time period average ratings and impressions November 2015 Sweep Period (October 29, 2015 – November 25, 2015)
WNEU Telemundo Boston:
Noticiero Telemundo Boston at 11 PM (Monday to Friday) – most-watched Spanish-language program in the time period among adults 18-34 (averaging a 0.1 rating), adults 18-49 (averaging a 0.2 rating) and adults 25-54 (averaging a 0.3. rating).
Source: NSI Boston Live+SD preliminary program and time period average ratings and impressions November 2015 Sweep Period (October 29, 2015 – November 25, 2015)
WWSI Telemundo 62 Philadelphia:
Noticiero Telemundo 62 at 11 PM (Monday to Friday)- outranked all Spanish-language stations in the market among adults 18-34, averaging a 0.2 rating.
Source: NSI Philadelphia Live+SD preliminary program and time period average ratings and impressions November 2015 Sweep Period (October 29, 2015 – November 25, 2015)
Early Local News (6 pm ET/PT; 5 pm CT)
Univision stations delivered the No. 1 early local news among:
· Adults 18-34 in Los Angeles, New York, Houston, Dallas, San Francisco and Phoenix
· Adults 18-49 in Los Angeles, New York, Miami, Houston and Dallas
· Adults 25-54 in Los Angeles, New York and Houston
Univision stations delivered the No. 2 early local news among:
· Adults 18-34 in Chicago
· Adults 18-49 in Chicago, San Francisco, Phoenix and Sacramento
· Adults 25-54 in Miami, Dallas, Phoenix and Sacramento
No information on Univision morning newscasts was provided by the network. Additionally, late local newscast information provided by Univision included combined ratings from its simulcast on UniMás stations. The company refused to provide the ratings for its newscasts strictly airing on its Univision stations, and therefore, the skewed numbers were excluded from this story.
Source: Nielsen, NSI, November15 (28 of 28 days), (10/29/15-11/25/15). Early local news is defined as local newscasts with a Mon-Fri 6 p.m. ET/PT start time; Mon-Fri 5 p.m. CT/MT start time. Late Local News is defined as local newscasts with a Mon-Fri 10/11 p.m. ET/PT start time; Mon-Fri 9/10 p.m. CT/MT. Includes regular newscasts only. Live +SD.
Telemundo, Univision, Telemision, Unimundo; familias todos:
Pueden explicar esto, con palitos y bolitas ?
Peritas y manzanitas ?
Mrs. Clueless,
Las mediciones se llevan a cabo en diferentes categorias y grupos dependiendo de la edad de los Televidentes, entiendo que sería mas facil poner todo en Blanco y Negro, pero de ésa manera no sería justo para las Estaciones, además las mediciones las lleva a cabo la compañia Nielsen y ésa es la manera en que ellos realizan los estudios. Otro dato interesante es que algunos grupos se consideran mas sobresalientes que otros, por ejemplo en Phoenix (el cual no menciona éste sitio) Univision Arizona sobrsalió en la categoria 18-49 a las 5pm y a lad 10pm en comparación al resto de las Estaciones sin importar el lenguage, como también en otras categorias.
En resumen, es imposible calificar quien ganó o perdió como si fuera una Carrera de Maraton o Ciclismo.
Espero haberle aclarado a usted los números de la Sra. Villafañe.
Muy amable caballero Urquidi, pero ya sabe usted como funciona esto de los numeros y los intereses.
Aca en Miami, la pelea entre el 23 y el 51 se ha tornado intensa, donde extrañamente, la forma insiste en robarle la cereza al contenido.
No obstante, sigo pensando que con justicia, – o justeza-, los departamentos de noticias podrian ser un poco mas serios con los resultados finales y dejar a un lado, el “gotcha game” en el que se han envuelto.
Exactamente, Mrs. Clueless. Ni ellos se entienden.
Para mi esta Sra. Villafañe se parcializa mucho con Telemundo!!!!
Not true. I strive to report everything accurately. When there are good news to report on either network, it’s done. In the instance of these ratings, Univision, despite requests, did not provide clean numbers, and was combining ratings of its nightime newscasts with a simulcast on UniMas. Not the same thing.