Telemundo today announced Luis Carlos Vélez’s new role with the network.
Starting this Saturday, March 19, Vélez and Felicidad Aveleyra will co-anchor “Noticiero Telemundo Fin de Semana,” which airs at 5 pm ET/PT.
The talent change means Edgardo Del Villar, who was anchoring the newscast since its inception in 2014, has been bumped off the desk.
The company says Del Villar will continue to be part of the news team, but has not yet assigned him to a specific role.

Last week, former Univision exec Luis Fernández was named Telemundo’s new EVP of Network News, replacing Vélez, who had held the role since January of 2015.
At the time, Telemundo stated Vélez was stepping down from leading the network’s news operations to become a news anchor and correspondent.
Prior to joining Telemundo, Vélez was Anchor and News Director in Caracol Television in Colombia. He was previously an anchor and reporter for CNN International and CNN en Español.
Aveleyra joined Telemundo in December without a specific assignment within the company. She has been co-anchoring the weekend newscast with Del Villar since February.
I can’t believe it. Where’s the new guy from? I like Villar better. How do you go from an executive to an on air talent? He really wanted to be in camera.
Dreams of stardom…
Era sabido, su deseo casi obsesivo por el lente.
Para que aceptar entonces la posicion de Presidente antes?
Eso habria que preguntarle a quien lo puso de Jefe en Colombia, luego de su salida de CNN, y nuevamente de Jefe, luego en Telemundo, la fabrica del reciclaje.
Quizas su influyente padre, quizas antiguos amigos en Miami.
Donde quedaron las aspiraciones de Del Villar?
Estara Velez en la silla, hasta que se le cumpla su contrato?
Entrara su esposa a programacion, como ambos han querido?
Se habra contagiado ya Telemundo, con las practicas colombo-Televisa de Univision?
Stay tuned…esta novela….no ha acabado.