For the past almost 2 years, I’ve brought you news of comings and goings of other journalists, media personalities and what’s going on in the business. Today, I’m taking the liberty of dedicating this space to report a painful move in my personal life.
It is with deep sorrow that I write of my father’s passing, after an agonizing 8 month battle with cancer. Julio A. Villafañe died a little more than an hour after the end of father’s day.
He was a brilliant man, who had an amazing international career as a chief civil engineer, heading multi-national projects. He once even worked for NASA and retired from his job as a U.S. foreign service officer, having worked in Africa, the Middle East and Central and South America.
Dad even had a tie to the media. He had a great voice and in the 1950’s moved to Los Angeles to try to become a Spanish-language radio newsman. That didn’t work out, but it just showed he was a little ahead of his time.
In his memory and during this period of grieving, I will not be doing any other posts this week.
To you, my supporte in this time of mourning.
Mis mas sinceras condolencias.
I am so sorry, Veronica. You and your sister are in my prayers. And I'm sending you a virtual abrazo.
Te extranamos mucho en San Juan.. y espero que tu dolor se subsane sabiendo lo mucho que tu padre te adoro y apoyo.
Mis mas sinceras condolencias a ti y toda tu familia.
May God's grace and strength be with you and your love ones.
Felix Jimenez
I remember meeting your father in Washington D.C. and how proud he was of you. We were all moved by his presence that day. Thank you for introducing us.
I'm sorry to hear about the passing of your father. He was very accomplished in his own right. And it sounds like he certainly was ahead of his time.