There were 4 other contested seats on the board. Members chose Manny de la Rosa as the new VP of Broadcast over Mekahlo Medina on a 53 to 47% vote. Rebecca Aguilar, who ran for General At-Large Officer got 74% of the vote, while J. Israel Balderas got 25%. For Online At-Large Officer, Patricio Espinoza won with 55% vs. 44% of the vote for Hiram Enriquez. Student representative Jacqueline Guzmán beat 2 opponents with 53% of the vote. The other student candidates were José Antonio Acevedo Cuevas and Alejandra Matos.
The unopposed candidates that also joined the board are: Gustavo Reveles, VP Print; Russ Contreras, Financial Officer; Erin Ailworth, Secretary; and Ada Alvarez, Spanish Language At-Large Officer.
Only 34% of the eligible membership voted in these elections.