CNN en Español today announced it’s revamping its look and programming.
Starting November 22, the network will begin rolling out new programs, new logo, music, slogan and marketing campaign. It will also be unveiling a new Miami-based production hub, which will open at the end of 2010, and a new studio in Atlanta.
The changes are set to take place in several phases over the next year.
New programming will be part of Phase 1. Three of the network’s current shows will be extended to an hour: Directo USA, Encuentro and Panorama Mundial. New shows include: NotiMujer, Documentales, Showbiz, Europa Hoy, Choque de Opiniones and CNN Dinero.
The announcement comes 6 months after Cynthia Hudson-Fernández took the reins as Sr VP and GM of CNN en Español and Hispanic Strategy for CNN/US.