Premiering tomorrow, December 8, 2011 at 10 p.m. ET on Univision Network, “La Amenaza Iraní” looks at Iran’s growing political, economic and military ties in Latin America.
This latest production of Documentales Univision was produced in collaboration with Univision News’ Investigative unit.
According to Univision, for the past 7 months the investigative unit reviewed dozens of hours of secret recordings, conducted extensive interviews and examined documents ranging from hand-written notes to internal federal reports, that allegedly “provide a rare window into an alleged Iranian-backed cyber attack against the United States from Mexico.”
Narrated by award-winning Univision News co-anchor Maria Elena Salinas, “La Amenaza Iraní” will broadcast with English and Spanish subtitles via closed captions.
This is the second Univision documentary to air on the network. The first one, “Los Infiltrados,” about the Colombian guerrilla FARC, aired on September 21.
Juan Rendón is director of Documentales Univision and Gerardo Reyes heads the Univision News Investigative unit.
Blah! o_O