Rolando Nichols is KWHY-22’s new Vice President of Production and News, as well as the station’s 7 and 10 pm anchor.
Rolando took over the news department last week. He has stepped down as CEO of Centro TV and Radio media production house and resigned as the Spanish voice of the Angels to focus on his new role.
“I’m super excited,” Rolando tells me. “It’s a great challenge. This job is the next step up in my career as a journalist and as an executive.”
Last Friday, KWHY laid off Raymond Mesa, the station’s anchor and Diana Alvarado, who anchored sports.
Asked about any more talent changes, Rolando says: “There will be no major changes regards to talent, but I am looking at demo reels. I’m always looking at ways of improving the product, with better graphics, more news coverage of our community and strengthening our presence in the city.”
Rolando previously worked as a Univision anchor/reporter for 11 years in Phoenix and Los Angeles.
Great … a bloodsucker like this in charge of Production and News … great move from people used to make cheap pizzas … next great move: to remove the union and hire all the Centro’s students as crew and reporters … the ones that once were in charge of former KWHY’s shows under Centro’s watch — if you didn’t have a chance to see these shows, save your time: they were hideous.
And for those wondering why I label him as bloodsucker, ask him who accepted him in KWHY: Raymond Mesa … a couple of weeks later and, after kissing the Meruelos’ ass, Ray was fired, destroying the teams’ morale and putting in his place this moron … I’m wondering if the Meruelos ever asked why Nichols was not in Univision anymore … mhhh.
Word has already spread about Mesa landing at 52, a cozy spot to sit back and watch as this ship sinks under the management (or mismanagement) of the Morello Group and their lackey Rolando.
This is what it looks like when ego meets callowness. The Meruelo Group is short on neither. To call the promotion of Rolando Nichols to VP of News (Who is the President of News by the way?) a mistake is an understatement. Hell. Calling it an understatement is an understatement. If the Meruelo Group wants to know what this decision means for the quality of their news casts, they need only look at the embarrassment that is “Con Chile y Limon.” Ratings speak volumes, and they say that Raymond Mesa is a credit to his profession. If he does indeed end up back at Telemundo, he’s going to be stellar.