Telemundo is boasting some of its best ratings performance in years. The number 2 Spanish-language network is proudly reporting 2012 has delivered the best Mon-Fri primetime performance in Telemundo’s history, with an overall 4% increase in total viewers (1,349,000) compared to last year and posting significant gains – of more than 4% – in the women 18-49 demo.
During weekend primetime (Saturday-Sunday 7-11pm), Telemundo saw a 10% increase vs. 2011, averaging 897,000 total viewers.
The network attributes its stellar year to specials, election coverage, movies and novelas such as “Pablo Escobar: El Patrón del Mal.”
During the week of December 10, “Noticiero Telemundo” had a 75% increase in viewership compared to the same week last year, with a reported 1,172,000 total viewers and 565,000 adults 18-49, giving the national newscast its highest rated weekly performance since being measured in the total Nielsen sample.
Here are some other ratings highlights for the week of Dec. 10:
- A special edition of “Noticiero Telemundo” on Saturday, December 15 at 6:30 p.m. ET averaged nearly half a million adults 18-49 and more than 1 million total viewers.
- “Al Rojo Vivo con Maria Celeste” (5 PM ET) reported 1,300,000 total viewers and averaged 617,000 adults 18-49, its second highest weekly performance since being measured in the Nielsen sample.
- “Un Nuevo Día” averaged 210,000 A18-49 and 420,000 total viewers, the highest rated week for a Telemundo morning show since being measured in the full Nielsen sample.
Source: Telemundo/Nielsen