A day after getting fired for comparing the First Lady to a character in “Planet of the Apes,” Rodner Figueroa’s talent agency, LatinWE, published his apology in a letter addressed to Michelle Obama.
In the letter, written in Spanish, the Venezuelan TV host denies being a racist, pointing out he comes from a bi-racial Latino family, his father being Afro-Latino.
While he apologizes to the First Lady for comments he says were taken out of context, he criticizes Univision for publicly humiliating him, firing him without a proper investigation.
“I’m embarrassed, I apologize, because there is no excuse for a professional like me to do these type of comments that can be interpreted as offensive and racist in such volatile times in our country. I take responsibility for this lack of judgment on my part, but I can not accept being called a racist by anyone, be fired as such, and publicly humiliated by Univision after 17 years in the company,” he wrote.
Rodner affirms in the letter that he was told he was fired because of a complaint from the First Lady’s office. He also accused Univision executives of leaking the news, causing a negative backlash in social media, which is “trying to unfairly destroy my career.”
While most comments on social media continue to be negative, some followers have expressed support for him. Today, he picked up some sympathy tweets from Raúl de Molina and actor Christian de la Fuente, prompting Rodner to tweet back thanks.
@rauldemolina Gracias Gordo por tu apoyo incondicional y por tu amistad!!! Te quiero mucho!!!
— Rodner Figueroa (@RodnerFigueroa) March 12, 2015
@iamdelafuente Gracias brother!!! Se Te quiere. — Rodner Figueroa (@RodnerFigueroa) March 12, 2015
At Media Moves’ request, Rodner’s talent agency made an English version of the letter available the day after publishing the Spanish-language letter online.
Here’s the translated letter:
Esteemed First Lady Michelle Obama,
I offer my sincere apology for an unfortunate comment I made about a make-up artist’s depiction of you on Univision’s show “El Gordo y La Flaca” yesterday. It was clearly in bad taste and misunderstood.
I would like to explain that my remark was not directed at you, but at the result of an artist’s depiction of you that I found wasn’t accurate. The entire video clip in context corroborates this.
I feel embarrassed, and I hope you can forgive me, because there is no excuse. As a professional, I hold myself to high standards and there is no justification for someone at my level to make any kind of comment that could be interpreted as offensive or disrespectful to you personally, or to any minority in the times we live. I accept full responsibility for this lack of judgment on my part, but I cannot accept being labeled a racist by Univision, for whom I have worked for 17 years, or to anyone who may have misinterpreted my comments.
I come from a multi-racial Hispanic family, with relatives, like my own father, who are Afro-Latino. I am the first openly gay Hispanic TV host and I’ve been a minority activist throughout my career, championing a number of causes geared towards supporting minorities; people who, like me, have been the focus of discrimination. Moreover, I openly voted twice for your husband Barack Obama, because I esteem him as a great man who has done a great deal for minorities in this country.
I’ve worked on two entertainment shows at Univision where I have commented on the look of many celebrities, including royal families and First Ladies of Latin America. I’ve never critiqued anyone because of his or her skin color, sexual orientation or nationality. I am, in my humble opinion, a decent person, but at the end of the day, a human being. I’ve made my share of mistakes, but never like this. And, as distasteful and out of line as my comment could have been perceived, I don’t believe I deserve to be branded a racist. I hope you understand that I have an obligation to defend myself out of respect and love for my family, my father, my fans and my community.
I was notified verbally in a phone call by a Univision executive that, because of a complaint received from your office, my employment was being terminated. In an attempt to what I believe was a move to damage my career, Univision leaked this information to the media and I have been condemned for my comments in social networks and the media. I never received an official written notice of termination or an opportunity to clear the situation and provide my side of the story.
Again, I offer a humble and sincere apology for the misunderstanding, and assume my responsibility. Very respectfully, Rodner Figueroa
Here’s the entire letter in Spanish:
Respetada Primera Dama Michelle Obama,
Le ofrezco mis más sinceras disculpas por un comentario que hice sobre la caracterización que hizo de usted un maquillista en el programa de entretenimiento de Univision “El Gordo y La Flaca” ayer, y que fue mal interpretado.
Quiero aclarar que no soy racista y de ninguna manera mi comentario fue dirigido hacia usted, sino hacia la caracterización de dicho artista, que dejaba mucho que desear. El clip completo del video en contexto lo comprueba.
Me siento abochornado, le pido perdón, porque no hay excusa para que un profesional como yo haga este tipo de comentarios que pueden ser interpretados como ofensivos y racistas en los momentos tan volátiles que vive nuestro país. Tomo responsabilidad por esta falta de juicio de mi parte, pero no puedo aceptar ser tildado de racista por nadie y ser despedido como tal, y humillado públicamente por Univision después de 17 años en esta empresa.
Vengo de una familia bi-racial Latina, con familiares, como mi padre, de la raza Afro-latina. Soy el primer presentador abiertamente gay en la TV Hispana y he sido activista de causas en pro de las minorías, que como yo han sido discriminadas. Yo voté abiertamente dos veces por su esposo, Barack Obama, porque lo considero un gran hombre que respeta a las minorías, como yo, en este país.
Trabajé en dos programas de Univison donde comentaba el look de muchas celebridades, incluyendo la realeza y primeras damas Latinas y jamás he ofendido a nadie por el color de su piel, orientación sexual o nacionalidad. Soy una persona decente, pero un ser humano al fin y al cabo y cometo errores como este. Y, con lo desagradable y fuera de línea que haya sido interpretado mi comentario no merezco ser tildado de racista, y tengo que defenderme por respeto y amor a mi familia, a mi padre, a mis fans y a mi comunidad.
Se me notificó verbalmente que por una queja de su despacho fui despedido, y en una fuga de información de parte de ejecutivos de Univision, se me condenó en las redes sociales tratando de destruir mi carrera de una manera injusta, sin siquiera haberme notificado oficalmente por escrito y sin una investigación que posibilitara esclarecer la situación.
De nuevo, le ofrezco una humilde disculpa por el malentendido y asumo la responsabilidad.
Muy respetuosamente,
Rodner Figueroa
De paso, disculpate con tus companeros por tus malas acciones y tu desprecio clasista ( clase, que jamas has tenido, patica en tierra )
Y de paso, por las veces que rodaron cabezas, cabezas con talento y calidad, simplemente por ser de un pais y no de otro, por haber crecido bajo otra administracion de Univision y no la realmente racista de ahora, donde jamas ni tu ni otros, mostraron decencia ni solidaridad algunas.
Y de paso, tambien por comentarios racistas hechos ahi, en esas oficinas del Doral, sobre Bush o Palin o Rubio por ejemplo, y gentuza que ahi sigue, alquilando caretas, ganandose su salario y vendiendo su pobre alma.
Dile eso a tu abogado o tinterillo, va y te ayuda.