Johnathan Solarte was arrested Monday after he tried to flee from police during a routine traffic stop.
The 31-year-old Solarte, who works as Univision San Antonio’s main sports anchor since November of 2016, was booked on a third-degree felony charge of evading arrest, according to the San Antonio Express News.
A spokeswoman for the Bexar County Sheriff’s Office told the Express News that a deputy pulled Solarte after he disregarded a stop sign. He initially stopped, but then he fled the scene.
Deputies chased him and eventually caught and arrested him.
A Univision spokesperson would not comment on his situation, saying it’s a personnel matter.
As a journalist you should hear both sides of this story. That was only a false statement. First investigate before damaging the image of a excellent journalist. You need to investigate more! Be a real reporter, not a copy and paste reporter Veronica Villafane. As you know, you can be involved in a defamation lawsuit for this.
No, technically she can’t. She’s reporting what police are reporting. If Univision doesn’t want to comment or make their reporter available there’s only so much Veronica can do. He should write her and give his side of the story. But until that happens all we know is he was arrested for fleeing police. Veronica didn’t make that up, that can be backed up by police records. So before you go threatening someone maybe you should go brush up on libel law.
a Veronica no le interesa manchar la imagen ..lo que le interesa es que la pagina la sigan leyendo…y si hay escandalos como este mas todavia…y con esta historia dejo de ser mediamoes..a escandalo moves… para que mas y mas personas la lean como tambien han ocurrido otros…y no los publica por amiguismo…..un periodista responsable busca ambos lados de la noticia..ya hoy en dia eso No existe..son Copy cat!!!por cierto los reportes de la policia tambien se equivocan…y tecnicamente si publicaste informacion de otras fuentes que es lo que la mayor parte del tiempo ocurre aqui..debes citar la fuente de informacion..y si te pueden publicastes informacion incorrecta de otra fuente de informacion…por eso siempre se debe de decir … alega!!! hubiera sido otra persona creeme que aqui no estuviera publicado…y por favor Univison de San va contestar nada sobre este asunto…me parece que debieron haber tratado de comunicarse con el reportero…y tener los dos lados de la noticia…pero lo dudo..era mucho trabajo..NO…asi se trabaja hoy en dia…CON REPORTAJES A MEDIAS E IRRESPONSABLES…
don’t worry.. su foto y promo continuan en la pagina de Telemundo Sana Antonio..ok
y espero que siga asi hasta que todo se aclare..
Maybe he is 31 yrs old, but a little kid in the streets. with a good lawyer he’ll get community service. Maybe he got an edible and started to panic when the police arrived.
This is a different note from an officer of san antonio “BCSO jail employee allegedly tipped off capital murder suspect about arrest warrant” read it!
What does this news story have to do with the Univision reporter getting arrested?
Wow, finally someone has spoken out against media moves.
There ARE 2 sides of every story.
It is unfortunate that the many professionals trashed here do not defend themselves or better yet, refuse to become part of this rag.
Let’s not forget that for legal reasons some of those trashed are prohibited from responding.
By the way, legally media moves CAN be held libel for defamation of character so someone here needs to do their homework.
As Hispanics we need to take the high road and recognize that trashing each other for another’s gain is simply not right.
i agree!!!
Obviously Bety and Jaime are not journalists and they want to talk about libel or defamation. Maybe they know the suspect and they want to ease the water.guys, He needs an actual lawyer to prove him innocent. If there is another side of this story, we can wait and get the transcrips of the trial…. or the plea agreement.
Next time read the article entirely…. is quoting a source at the bottom.
She linked to a news report on another newspaper. How in the world is she trashing anyone? You people should brush up on what words like slander and defamation mean before you sling them around. Linking to a newspaper and recapping what was already reported is not slanderous. Get a grip.
Quizas el post hit hime for jaime and beti, por eso es que estan en contra de su publicacion. Por eso los invito a contar el otro lado de la historia por aqui…… waiting for a reply….
Sorry Jonathan, this is not about you or what you did.