Alberto Rullán is taking on a new role as weekday anchor for Noticiero Telemundo Philadelphia.
He’ll join Iris Delgado on the anchor desk weekdays at 6 and 11 pm, starting Monday, September 30.
Rullán replaces Ramón Luis Zayas, who has been off the air for over nine months.
According to sources, Zayas has been on medical leave. A station spokesperson would not confirm the reason for his absence or address if Zayas remains with the company, but issued this statement:
“Ramon Zayas hasn’t been on air since November 2018. His presence is missed. Iris Delgado has anchored the newscasts with others filling in from time to time.”
Rullán arrives to WWSI Telemundo 62 from WNJU Telemundo 47, where he has worked as weekend anchor and breaking news reporter. He moved to New York from Puerto Rico in 2015.
Before Telemundo, he spent 15 years as previously an anchor and reporter for WAPA in Puerto Rico.
I hear lots of on air and off air wants to leave that station. The news director only had certain people as favorite .
Good for him! He had no growth at telemundo 47. Many people saying is a mess there and ratings are going down. Poor management by news director .
Rullan is a great Pro
He grew tired of being passed over, and over , in Ft Lee
Good move nene !
47 is a mess….just a matter of time..sit tight
It is not a secret they give preference to people because the news director, Mr. Rodriguez has a group of “preferidos” and Rullán got tired of not having an opportunity to grow when he is better than then the one they have in every newscast which is extra exaggerated. Lots of people are not happy there and the news director thinks he is untouchable. Ratings are going down the hill.
Great move because at T47 with the management Rullán was going to be in the same place for many more years. Felicidades nene! And sucks to see how bad the news director leadership is.
No sigan senalando negativamente al Liderazgo en el 47
Sabiendo como funciona la media hispana, mientras mas lo critiquen, menos sera el esfuerzo de “Corporate” por crear los cambios que aqui urgen.
A los Jefes, no les gusta que les saquen los colores
Las cosas, como los guineitos maduros, caen solas.
For no one is a secret, Telemundo 47 is a hell, , Martha Jaimes is an older witch, The Venezuelan Nuñes is the one who sends the director, all those people in New York are Bad and Perverse.
Mr. Rodriguez tiene dos agendas convertir Telemundo 47 en Quisqueya TV y subir a sus amigos como Luis G.
En Mayo, se inventó una serie especial desde Santiago para Luis G, , parecía que la pago la Oficina de Turismo Dominicana pero no; tenía dos propósitos que los dominicanos quieran a Luis G y que Luisito estuviera en Quisqueya cuando se casara Eliecer Marte . Claro, el Sr. Rodríguez tambien estaba en la boda..
El Sr Luis G, transformo este canal en una Venezuela, y no solo eso, dividio a todo el mundo en este canal. como trato de hacerlo en Miami, pero alli si lo despidieron sin permitirle acabar con el 51, que por cierto es muy bueno. y en NY el 47 esta,
Entre Sumisos y Desleales. para donde va esto. para abajo…..
Muy cierto!!! Exelent. esto es verdad. y la gente de Miami lo sabe.
Felicidades!!! a la comunidad LGTB de Quisqueya, estan muy bien Representados por el Luis G Nuñes, eso es Periodismo fiel.
Y digno de un Periodista del 47 New York.
Alberto Rullan eres el Gorbachev , el Papa, el Reagan de Telemundo 47 haz roto el muro de Berlín, la gente está hablando. Se acuerdan de la operación Cóndor , la dictaduras de Suramérica así es trabajar aquí sino haces lo que dicen u opinas diferente pues para HR.
No le dejen toda la culpa a Endy, el pobre es una marioneta de los de arriba..que son anti-Boricua, anti-Mexicanos y anti- genre pensante con criterio y opinión.
La mitad del canal con pastillas de los nervios , vigilados, hostigados , bullying de todo
Lo que nunca he entendido es como tienen a Luis G. haciendo cosas dominicana cuando tienen a verdaderos reporteros expertos en el tema y no les dan la oportunidad, como a Eliecer Marte y a otro que no me acuerdo el nombre que es nuevo y tiene mucha más credibilidad que Luis G. Ahí se nota el favoritismo, y lo peor es que Luis G cae mal porque quiere ser más dominicano que nadie. En fin, felicidades a este señor en su nueva posición.
Me sorprende leer que en el 47, un canal tan importante y grande sucede lo que pasa en las afiliadas de Telemundo más pequeñas. Creo que hasta que los que están en Miami no cambien su mentalidad de “los que me caen bien” vs. “Los que no me caen bien” y sigan asignando puestos basado en ese pensar, que no es más que un favoritismo donde designan puestos claves a dedo, en vez de meritocracia, los canales de Telemundo O&O NUNCA llegarán a estar a la altura de otros noticieros serios. NBC Telemundo es un Entravision con más recursos. That’s it! Mucha gente con cargos importantes en cada canal SIN preparación ni académica ni profesional ¿Qué es eso? ¿Hasta cuándo tanta mediocridad? El público se merece algo mejor y NO debe ser engañado, haciendole creer con promos que sus noticieros están siendo producidos y reportados por gente preparada. ¡MENTIRA!
It’s very funny that the Latin news talk about everything bad that President Trump does to Latinos but Univision 41 and Telemundo 47 are managed as Banana Republicans and make people worse. in Univision 41, they finally rebelled against Esteban Creste, with a letter from almost all employees complaining about their abuse of power. I don’t think anything happens, because Univision complete not only NY is a Banana Republic.
But Telemundo 47, affiliates and Telemundo Network are part of a prestigious company like Comcast / NBC / Universal. I don’t think they have a clue what is going on because everything is staying in the first and second level of administration. In the moment employees stop being submissive and let NBC knows (in the case of Telemundo 47) the level of abuse, harassment and favoritism by age, race and friendship and loves.
Everything will end, this company is very powerful for those scandals.
if someone blows the President of the United States as you do not dare to assert your rights. You are journalists, for God’s sake.
The more you guys keep on denouncing such practices, the more the upper management will keep those managers in place.
Is a proven fact. Maybe ‘coz is a matter of power grabbing in a very Macho way, regardless any sexual nor ideological leaning.
Maybe is the shaming in recognizing how horrible of a job they have done with that station and to keep the SQ, any, is key.
Now, f2s, ain’t not only Endy’s creation or sorts: from mediocre bosses to dangerous talents.
Both 47, and don’t forget Univision 41, have both enjoyed decades of mismanagement and ugly waste. In NYC !
If such is the scenario for Market #1, what could we expect for the rest of TV mortals?
Mr. revolving doors for people like you we still had exclavitud, colonies, Hitler, Franco and Mussolini. For people like you, the #metoo movement would never have happened. That first sentence shows that you are not a journalist or a journalist who went to the administrative side. Your way to excuse Endy and place him as a victim of administration and talents (as you call, as well as the administration, professionals of the journalism) dangerous talents show that you do not have any university preparation in administration and that you do not know the work ethic of NBC / Telemundo / Comcast at the high levels of the company.The most incredible say “dangerous talents” to justify the hostile environment, controller and despot that is used in Telemundo. Sounds like intolerance and persecution as in governments and extreme’s too late to tell people to shut up, that’s called democracy and for centuries it has changed world. If you don’t want to do anything, perfect. It shows that he has been mistreated by both sides and channels but the reality is that it seems that you had never done anything, and you are a spectator and follower.
Please, read again.
Read me again, for real.
Your sorta “pataleta” makes no sense at all.
Read, but deeper.
Basically, we are stating the same thing.
I think one talks depending on how it went. If you work hard you get places. You don’t need to be one of the “preferidos” to succeed. If someone is in the good list is because that persons is doing a good job. It doesn’t matter what channel. Is all the same but I have only heard good things about Mr Rodriguez. I work in LA but U have a big respect for people that work hard.
It is very clear that favoritism is a key component on how things are done at T47. Many employees tired and frustrated for the the news director makes decision and lacks on true leadership. Ratings are speaking for themselves. Karen left the station in a solid place and now T47 only maintains number 1 spot at 11pm and it is because of the telenovelas from the network.
Surprising the GM Cristina is allowing this to happen. But then again, she is probably part of the “inner circle with Mr. Rodriguez “ that place is a disaster !
“Soy Evan Lewis, Writer-Producer en Telemundo 47. Y escrito esto voluntariamente!!!!
Quienes critican a Endy Rodríguez no lo conocen. No saben que es un símbolo del éxito. Que representa a todo lo bueno de una juventud que se educa y trabaja los siete días de la semana. Estos comentarios inmerecidos y dañinos, son la obra de resentidos. Los desmiento a todos y los reto a revelar sus identidades porque no son testigos secretos de nada. Ustedes quieren manipular la verdad ante una audiencia que tampoco conoce a Endy Rodríguez, y peor todavía, usan un medio para desinformar y difamar. Reitero. Soy Evan Lewis, Writer Producer en Telemundo 47. Y escrito esto voluntariamente!!!!