Endy Rodríguez is no longer VP of news at WNJU Telemundo 47.
A station spokesperson confirmed his exit with the following brief statement:
“Endy Rodriguez has decided to leave the company and we have accepted his resignation. He has been with our station for nearly two decades. We thank him for his commitment to our station, and we wish him the very best.”
Rumors that Rodriguez had been terminated swirled for the past two weeks, because he was not at the station.
When asked about his absence early last week, a station spokesperson insisted Rodríguez was only “taking a few days off” and continued to be VP of news, reaffirming that stance as late as yesterday afternoon.
Rodríguez was promoted from assistant news director to VP of News at the Telemundo New York station in 2017, after Karen Méndez left the position.
He began his career as a news department intern in 2001 and worked his way up the ranks.
Over the past several months, reports have surfaced accusing Rodríguez of conflict of interest and complaints over the removal of non-Dominican talent from Telemundo 47.
Media Moves has not been able to independently verify the allegations that were published or aired on other outlets.
This is a shock to me. I have never seen someone that committed to a company, station and work. I was a producer at that station about 8-10 years ago and he was always mentoring everyone and treating everyone with respect. I still have friends at the station and I know he will be very missed. Thank you Endy for teaching us something all this years.
The higher you are, the better target you are. Keep your head up you done an excellent work.
It is very sad and concerning that hispanic tv stations don’t have the transparency of other media companies, never the less being Telemundo part of Comcast NBC group. company that made public the inappropriate conduct of Matt Lauer on its own platforms first.
If the conclusions of an internal investigation were strong, he shouldn’t would be invited to “resign” he should have been terminated and made a public statement the reasons of why.
Otherwise this is no different than setting free a felon knowing is a danger of future colleagues in other news organizations.
He did not resigned. He got fired! And it is about time he did! Finally some justice being done at T47!
He was manipulative and made it a hell for lots of employees. He is getting what he deserves. Let’s hope a new wave of air comes into that station because he left everyone there feeling like they were the worst! I’m glad management is finally doing something good!
Verónica, vamos a ser claro…él está cosechando lo que sembró…lo despidieron por pasarse de la raya…el buen sucio! Que siga…
Nothing new in here.
For so many years, situations like this one, starred by Mr. Rodriguez and others, have been populating from out markets like NY, LA, Chicago, Houston.
Both in Telemundo and Univision as well.
Such is the map in Spanish Media.
That list is long, but let’s keep the bickering out of this for now.
The main difference here is that only God knows, how filthy it turned in Telemundo 47, that finally made the Brass to take action in full.
I’m sure that the threads on Rosario’s article in here were to ugly to ignore.
Because we all know how deep welded they could work in order to protect each other.
How bad it was, both for Mr. Rodriguez and the personnel in there ?
We will see it soon, whether he will be rebounding or not within the industry.
Employees including on air talent suffered lot of pain he created and his abuse of power. His poor Managment and lack of leadership was not only towards non Dominican employee. It doesn’t matter which country you were from if he did not like our you were not sucking up
To him you will be miserable. Part of his preferidos group are Colombia and Venezuela so it was not about if you were dominican.
KARMA! And yes if you do bad things bad things will happen to you! Let’s have a champagne party in Time Square to celebrate! I worked at that station and that man is the worst! And then he be posting pictures going to church when he is pure devil!
Why does Hispanic TV media is such a liar?? He did resigned? They told him he had to go. That station had become a mess and lately he was causing a lot of harm to a lot of people. The station and his actions was under investigation and this is the result. Las cosas como son ! It is what it is. Speak the truth
Congratulations to all of those that spoke up and were the reason an investigation happened. I’m glad management is doing something. I worked at that place and left because everyday was worst. No one should feel afraid to speak up!
Example to Univision 41 where the abuser and incompetent Esteban Creste continues his tyranny under the knowledge of his supervisors and human resources.
We should all speak up with real names for this to be believable. If you had so much to say and had that hard time why don’t you use your real name. I worked there and then moved to Univision in Miami for Univision 23 and I have seen many things but Mr Rodriguez’s work ethic was always admirable. I have nothing but good things to say about him. I have friends in Telemundo 47 since it was Telemundo NY and it was never better. Dominicans are the main viewers-audience so it’s logical that their talent needs to be from RD. I’m from Puerto Rico and I know that the people that left from PR and from Colombia didn’t do a good job that is expected for the #1 station. El que esté libre de pecado que tire la primera piedra. Si tú haces tu trabajo bien jamás habrían tenido problemas con Endy y su gerente general Cristina.
Mi estimado Camilo es vergonzoso lo que escribiste aquí que durante años es la misma estupidez en NY y en cuanto mercado hispano hay…osea que si la mayoría de la audiencia es dominicana tienes que poner al presentador dominicano y los reporteros dominicanos…eso tiene un nombre y se llama Discriminación!!!!! Porque estas discriminando contra otros grupos etnicos para que trabajen en el canal que sea.. y contratando a mediocres o con talento más por su nacionalidad…QUE BÁRBARO…Telemundo 52 en Los Angeles los comentaristas deportivos son del El Salvador adames de otros dos reporteros, la mayoría de la audiencia aquí son Mexicanos!!!!….entonces habría que sacar del aire a Diaz Balard porque es cubano y No mexicano..y que vas a hacer con los colombianos,venezolanos nicaragüenses ect…por eso es que estamos tan @#%#= por personas como tu….cuando se contrata un talento debe ser por su experiencia credibilidad,preparación academica y presencia
por favor no una modelo o por su preferencia sexual…de Cristina Schwarz todo el mundo lo sabe como maltrataba a los empleados y como los hostigaba en Univision 41 NY. estuvo años tratando de trabajar en.los medios y nadie le quería dar trabajo por esta actitud arrogante..después que la botaron..llos empleados celebraron su salida..en esta estación por cierto si eras colombiano al otro día tenías trabajo…con ella..
si estas personas ya sea de PR o Colombia como tu dices no hicieron bien su trabajo entonces nadie comentaría nada en este foro…en lo único que estoy de acuerdo es si haces bien tu trabajo No deberías tener problemas…y un consejo aprende de los latinoamericanos a ser unido y No como ustedes de Puerto Rico que se pisotean los unos a los otros…la lista es grande de las personas como Rodríguez!!!que destruyen talentos y no contribuyen en nada positivo a esta industria.
A proposito carnal Camilo, dateate mano, porque el demografico mas numeroso en todo el Noreste de la Mamita Yunai, ya es el mexicano papa !
Que por que usamos identidades truchas ?
Pos paque vasser, pos pa proteger la chamba manito!
Si no es asi, quien nos va a dar luego luego Jale carnal?
A poco los grandes Caciques no fuman de la pipa de la paz todos junticos ? hermanados y amangualados?
Dejanos a los indios, un trillito de defensa vato, si ?
Orale !
James no tienes ni idea de lo que dices. Para comenzar Cristina Schwarz fue una de las mejores gerentes que tuvo Univision 41. Ninguna persona consciente que la conozca o haya conversado con ella dos minutos puede estar de acuerdo con tus palabras. Y en cuanto a Rodriguez, es una de las personas más justas, responsables y trabajadoras que tiene la industria y no es verdad que haya tenido preferencia por una nacionalidad en específico. Dice la gente que trabaja allí que el man los escuchaba y acataba sugerencias. La verdad es que la gran mayoría está en shock por la salida de Rodriguez. No repitas todo lo que escuches… gracias!
Al.news photographer debes de leer antes de opinar…una de los graves problemas de esta industria…Primero mi comentario fue en respuesta a Camilo que NADA TIENE QUE VER CON Rodriquez…!!! y de Cristina no tengo nada personal contra ella…y los que trabajaron o trabaja allí saben su historia…creo que la sra aprendió la lección después que fue despedida del 41 de NY…a nadie lo despiden o le dan una salida de una empresa sin tener una razón valida… Si Rodriquez fue despedido o ya No trabaja para NBC Telemundo 47 fue por una razón y su salida tiene una respuesta…te sugiero que te comuniques con HR de T47 y diles que estas No estas en desacuerdo con lo ocurrido a ver si.piedws hacer algo y sino comunícate con Rodriquez y dale apoyo…si eres fotógrafo que lo dudo!!!primero haz white balance y luego grabas!!!!
Si era tan Bueno porque te fuiste a Miami,las cosas como son.y con Nilda Rosario y otros,son excelentes reporteros. Deberían de estar en sus puesto y no fuera del canal.
Cannot believe that happened at that station where other stations have news directors that do not listen to their employees and do whatever they want. It’s not my place to name other directors. I’m sure Mr Martinez is aware of everything that is happening. It is a shame to lose a journalist like Endy Rodríguez and I DONT know what happened in NY and respect their decision but I don’t think we should talk about each other’s this way without proof or without using your real name. Don’t be a coward and come forward instead of writing here using multiple names.
I do not know what happened what exactly or how good or bad Endy Rodriguez was a news director. All I know is that there has been a lot of complaints on his treatment towards certain employees (not just Puerto Rican’s) so let’s not make this a battle or nationalities.
He could’ve been a great guy all these many years but perhaps he doesn’t have the leadership skills to have such a big role or Indeed he carries himself in an appropriate way and the title “got to his head”
It has been circulating for many months the station was under investigation. It doesn’t matter how great he was during his many years, if the investigation found something that was not right, they had to let him go or things can get worst. If he was such a good news director then he can get another job somewhere else. Let’s wait what happens with T47 future who also has seen significantly ratings drop.
Who are NEXT? Jerry Vazquez and Sindy Espinosa from KTMD Telemundo / Houston? 3 producers, the main anchor, 3 reporters, 4 photographers, 1 weather anchor and 2 TD left the station in 1 year. Why is EVERYBODY leaving that place?
And not just Esteban, also the station President and even at the network: some reporters, camera-operators, and producers, a bunch of a-holes protected by the BIGGEST trash ever: Ms. Niza Motorolla. They will all pay soon. I know someone who will be speaking up soon.
This is what I call karma. Endy could be sympathetic to those who were condescending to his practices, but he was really sinister to those who, even working hard, did not have his grace. He was discriminatory, arrogant and manipulative. Happy to see him get humiliated by T47. I understand those who comment here without placing their real names. HR can be really scary.
There is no transparency in the Hispanic market. Making it seem as he resigned. That is a Lie! You can’t fool people. He thought he was GOD there and somehow he was protected because there has been a lot of wrong doings like Alberto Rullan, Nilda Rosario, etc ! But this time a group of employees got tired of everything he has been doing and decided to speak up and it got real
Dirty! They couldn’t protect him or defend him anymore. And let’s make it clear that this was not just against Puerto Ricans. If that man did not like you or you were not part of his selected group, you were screw! I just hope one day we can learn from the English channels even from NBC that is the same company as Telemundo. Speak the truth and say it how it is. He was abusive, discriminatory, practice conflict of interest and only favored certain people because of very intimate and personal reasons .
Amen!!!!!!por George
A Camilo Martinez, News Photographer y la supuesta o supuesto Ana Luisa Salcedo ect…Lean bien lo que George escrbio!!!
….y me parece que en parte pudiera tener responsabilidad Keren Mendez ex Directora de Noticias de Telemundo 47 amiga de Endy quien hoy en día trabaja como reclutador en NBC Telemundo….por apoyarlo…
Y así como Endy estan llenos los medios de comunicación en español…es una plaga que lleva años haciendo daño..gracias al amiguismo,preferencia sexual,creencias religiosas,tu nacionalidad ect.
…es una lástima….
Hay que poner al descubierto a todos aquellos que como Endy destruyen talentos,los noticieros y hasta la mismas empresas…
Quizás pudo haber sido responsable Keren Mendez ex news director de Telemundo 47 quien es amiga de Endy por sugerir o ponerlo en esa posición.
Keren es reclutador de NBC Telemundo
Hay que denunciar a estas personas que por el amiguismo,religion,preferencia sexual y hasta Nacionalidad les dan trabajo…perjudicando esta industria por abusar de su posición
esto quiere decir que HR de Telemundo si hace su trabajo a diferencia de Univision NY donde HR es parte del problema de discriminación, acoso y favoritismo, las quejas que reciben contra los supervisores y directores les vale madre
Only when they were not able to cover him up for any longer.
It was him out the door or a lawsuit. Or a worse, a federal penalty.
But Endy was not alone. What about her boss? Tense silence.
Don’t be naive. Power will always support power.
How many times do you think that N.Morato was written up?
How many E.Creste already ? And he is still here, empowered.
We all know that here, HR, Brass and why not, the Union as well, are part of the same pact.
Upper hand will always belong to them.
Or kiss your career goodbye.