María Celeste Arrarás, the longtime host of Telemundo network’s afternoon magazine “Al Rojo Vivo” and Rashel Díaz, co-host of morning show “Un Nuevo Día,” are no longer with the company.
They are among the many staffers laid off nationwide as part of parent company NBCUniversal’s “workforce reductions,” which began on Monday.
The Telemundo O&O station group also did cuts across the country, impacting several markets.
Arrarás arrived to Telemundo in 2002. Her defection from Univision network after 15 years with the rival network made headlines. She left the highest rated network at the time and the popular “Primer Impacto” afternoon magazine, which she co-costed with Myrka Dellanos to launch her own show on Telemundo.
Coincidentally, Dellanos recently joined “Al Rojo Vivo” on a temporary basis.
Sources tell Media Moves that Dellanos will host “ARV” for the next few weeks, followed by a rotation of internal talent until Telemundo announces a permanent host.
Arrarás last signed a multi-year contract with Telemundo in 2016. Her final show was yesterday. She was notified today and confirmed her departure in social media today.
The company issued the following statement regarding her departure:
“Maria Celeste has been an icon and an integral part of Telemundo’s growth to become a leading Spanish-language network. She is an accomplished award-winning journalist with a relentless passion and commitment to serve our communities and we are extremely grateful for her unwavering dedication and contributions to Hispanics and Telemundo’s success all these years.”
Díaz was the last original co-host of morning show launched in 2008, initially called “Levántate,” before getting renamed to “Un Nuevo Día.”
Díaz was on today’s morning show. She was notified after the program ended.
“Un Nuevo Día” will now have only two main hosts: Adamari López and Stephanie “Chiquibaby” Himonidis. Héctor Sandarti exited the program in May.
* The story was updated to include a company statement.
Telemundo ha perdido una de las grandes figuras de la TV.Maria Celeste es un profesional que le daba mucho prestigio a Telemundo. .El programa Al Rojo Vivo nunca sera igual sin ella. Como preriodista y como persona es una mujer inigualable, Buena suerte. Seguiras triunfando
Vaya hombre! En buena hora…seguramente pondrán otras aun mas amarillistas para “Al Amarillo Vivo”…a echar pulgas a otra parte!
En hora buena Telemundo. Ya no más María Celeste. Non grata desde lo de Selena, luego la maquillista y lo de las Saritas. Se hizo justicia!
Maria Celeste you are the best and you will always be the best.
Que noticia mas lamentable..telemundo esta cometiendo un grave error al despedir A dos de sus mejores Guerreras no me sorprendera Que telemundo valla en decadencia por ahorrarce unos $ dólares mas .ya no sera lo mismo al rojo vivo ni un nuevo Dia
Perdera Demaciada Audiencia ya Que Dejaron ir dos mujeres con mucha Credibilidad cada una en sus respectivos programas
Muchas suerte y muchas Bendiciones siempre
I am so shocked to hear the news that both of them were layoff. they are both very professional . I always felt that Un Nuevo Dia has to many people but would of never though that they would of let Rachel go. wish them both the best. I love and respect them both.
No entendemos como puede pasar esto, sacan a la mejor reportera con experiencia y credibilidad a saber a quien dejan, pobre desicion, sique triunfando María Celeste no vean más Telemundo baratos
There are icons like Maria Celeste Arraras….credibility…image…. latin community are used to see the same comfort TV shows… we loved
them for 2 decades…. obviously EL GORDO Y LA FLACA will get them all now…. sometimes the mistakes, big mistakes cause millionaire loses in this mega TV companies….. BIG MISTAKE SO BASIC TO SAY
Injusto los dos
NBC and Telemundo are the stupidiest negotiators. There are people whose value is beyond the money they receive and can only be replaced at a huge cost in viewership and defections. Maria Celeste and Rashel can never be imitated or equalled in their genuine command of the public trust.
The competitors are worst because they are a YES people network but I will no longer watch Telemundo. It appears that your company can never understand the Hispanic audience. Shame shame on you,!!!
Maria and Rashel were the two best hosts on Telemundo . They be missed very much and were main reason for watching. Thanks Maria and Rashel
Noooi! La voy a extrañar me encantaba el especial que hacían en hallowing aparte su profesionalismo como siempre sacan ala jente valiosa y me ten jente hueca sin pasión solo con ambre de hacerse famosos .
No puede ser lastima Telemundo ha perdido a dos grande. Buena suerte a las dos. Sigan adelante que dios es grande.
Que mas se puede esperar de los canales fake news, que usan los presentadores para difamar solamente. Les deseo buena suerte y muchas bendiciones a Rashel, Maria y la Venenosa.
Despiden a Maria Celeste y Rashel y dejan a Chiquibaby??? Someone please explain me this!
Asi empeso univision y miren donde esta plagado de basura sin cerebro
Es muy lamentable que Maria Celeste no va estar mas en al Rojo Vivo, tremendo error que esta cometiendo Telemundo,
BIG Mistake!
Tanto como Maria Celeste Arraras y Rachel es una gran perdida para TeleMundo pero como personas talentosas que ambas de ellas son, la vida continuara. Les deseo lo mejor Dios tiene buenos futuros para las dos. Confiar en Dios es mi consejo. Adelante que sus futuros van a ser estupendos. Las amo !
María Celeste , tan señora y tan profesional , Rachel tan se silla , Bella e inteligente , que Dios les ilumine el camino para seguir adelante , las queremos mucho nos van a ser mucha falta. Pero así es la vida, a veces nos molestamos por los cambios, pero todo será para bien de ustedes dos. Las recordaremos siempre. Mucho éxito y suerte en sus nuevas metas.
I’m glad to see that someone had the good sense to let these woman go. I want professionals that informs news about relevant events, not a person with agenda’s that only one’s opinions are expressed. I don’t want to know about Maria Celeste opinion. And I don’t care about which estimulat devise is best for rashel.
Goodness gracious who’s the next opinionated who doesn’t know how to speak to the general public.
Adelante Maria Celeste. Ese error devTelemundo lo lamentara
Porque tu has sido una incompatible en tu trabajo y
Todo injusto Dios lo pondra en su lugar. Dios sea que
Te protea y guide TUS pasos. Te Mercedes una medalla.
Que pena por telemundo de seguro que Univision volvera a
Tomar fuerza y telemundo sera como en Los años
90 mala decision
Los ciclos se cierran, pero hay otros que se abrirán. Es parte del proceso en la vida. Lo bueno de Maria Celeste, es que es una extraordinaria periodista, y con un optimismo tan grande como su autoestima. Vendrán nuevos tiempos tanto para Telemundo como para ella.
Yo quiero Comentar en favor de Rachel Diaz, quien es muy profesional y nunca coje un bando ni político ni cuando hay algún comentario de artistaS. Este canal al igual que Univisión solamente quieren tener mexicanos, déjenme decirles que la audiencia es CUBANOS PUERTORIQUENOS COLOMBIANOS VENEZOLANOS Y PUEDO SEGUIR MENSIONANDO MUCHAS MÁS.
Maria Celeste, you are already greatly missed. Just remember that it’s the network lost not yours. You are and will always be a great news caster. You have been blessed with a great talent that no one can take away from you. God bless ,and I’m sure that we will see soon in tv.
I am so glad Maria CELESTE was let go. She was very unprofessional and her true self came out when she pushed the make up, stylist staff lady. Im so tired of these people that mistreat others just becaude they aree famous. And she never admitted or apologize she made a mistake. She was not humble, not kind, not nice. Just plain rude!
I hope they hire Ana Maria Cazeco.
Al Rojo Vivo will never be the same without the professionalism and journalism of Maria Celeste. She will be sorely missed. Telemundo, you suck. I said I would not watch Telemundo after what happened to El Senor de los Cielos, and this does it definitely.
Trista noticia escuchar que varios personajes de etiqueta y con varios años de trabajo laboral , aigan sido corridos de Telemundo. Que mala leche. Shame on you Telemundo. You will be losing a lot of your faithful viewers and yes I’m one of them. Best wishes for each one of you that woke up this morning without a job .God wlll bless you with something better
Rashel Diaz is the main reason I watched un nuevo dia. Shame on you Telemundo. They can’t even do sports now
I decided to stop watching Telemundo because of Maria Celeste sudden departure. It’s truly shameful when a woman reaches a peak in her life and a company she’s worked for and dedicated herself for 20 years conjures up a reason such a “covid19 layoff”, like seriously? Telemundo you could have come up with something better, Maria Celeste deserved better. Wherever Maria Celeste decides to do next we’ll be watching with Loyalty. Thank You for all your years of dedication and hard work.
Maria Celeste God Bless and Sweet Fortune in your next endeavors. Best wishes and stay strong! ♥️