Anchor León Krauze has abruptly exited Univision.
Krauze today posted statements and videos on X (formerly known as Twitter) and Instagram. He wrote:
“After thirteen rewarding years, my journey with @Univision Noticias concluded yesterday. It has been an absolute honor and privilege to be a part of this exceptional team of journalism professionals. I depart with profound gratitude for my friends and colleagues at Univisión, Los Angeles. Together, we shared unforgettable years, embracing community journalism as a true way of life. I am very grateful for and appreciative of my friends and colleagues at Univisión, Miami, where I experienced significant personal and professional growth. Above all, I want to thank our audience, the millions of Latino familes whom I’ve had the honor of serving throughout these years. My unwavering commitment, past, present, and future, is to journalism that amplifies the voices and illuminates the stories of those who so often go unheard and unseen. That will remain my guiding principle. Until very soon.”
His sudden departure comes on the heels of Univision’s controversial interview with Donald Trump, allegedly arranged by company executives, who were also present during the recording at Mar-a-Lago, according to Semafor, which was cited by the Washington Post.
Insiders say Krauze was critical of how the interview was handled. Many media outlets have have also criticized Univision.
On Tuesday, the same day of Krauze’s exit, The Washington Post reported that Univision canceled Biden campaign ads scheduled to run during its interview with Trump, and also scrapped an intended response by Maca Casado, President Biden team’s Hispanic media director.
The company issued this statement, following Krauze’s unexpected departure.
“TelevisaUnivision expresses our heartfelt gratitude for the outstanding contributions, expertise, and insightful analyses delivered by Leon Krauze throughout his tenure with our news division…at both the national and local levels for over a decade. We extend our best wishes to Leon in all his future professional endeavors.”
Krauze had been anchoring Univision’s late weeknight newscast “Noticiero Univision Edición Nocturna,” since January 2022, starting out with alongside Patricia Janiot, who left the network eight months later. He most recently anchored the newscast with Maity Interiano.
The Mexican journalist and author previously spent a decade as weekday anchor at Univision’s flagship Los Angeles station KMEX-34. During his tenure there, he also hosted a short-lived English-language talk show on the now defunct Fusion cable network.
No surprise here.
Univision has always aligned with leftist Democrats.
If he tried to conduct a balanced/non biased interview, it is only normal that his bosses were not pleased.
For them getting rid of Krause was easy. He was a not very popular, cost-efficient anchor, thus easily replaceable.
He did not and he wouldn’t either.
Hijitos de Papas are all talk and no action.
He played with fire and that comes with consequences.
You leak, you reek.
El mas feliz con ese desliz debe ser, una vez mas, el Canosito de los Ojos Claros.
Cada vez que todo indica que el chavalo va camino al Medicare, toma! , cae otra de sus sombras del Sur.
El tipo trae un record de cruces de “aspiring talents” que da miedo. A true Legend !
Pues si justo antes de la posesión de trump en el 2017, Televisa se arrodilló a Trump para pedirle la aprobación por parte de la FCC para que Televisa pudiera tomar mayoria de las acciones de univision y asi aprobar la venta. Es por eso que Ramos le hicieron bajar de tono contra trump. Ese canal siempre ha sido un arrodillado de los republicanos.
En cuanto a Krauze, este personaje que piensa que es un periodista, que le vaya bien. este trabajo nunca le quedo y tampoco hará falta.
Incorrecto estimado Isaac, la aprobación de la FCC bajó el 3 de enero del 2017, en plena transición y bajo Obama. Univision nunca dejó de ser un toilet demócrata.
la FCC de Trump aprobo la movida de televisa, Randy Falco fue hasta el Trump tower para rogarle y besarle el anillo.
Incluso Veronica escribió un articulo al respecto.
Tal vez no recuerdas la epoca de Perenchio, ese pillo daba millones al RNC y hasta le abrió la puerta en California para que Arnold fuera el governator.
una cosa son los Newsrooms y otra las oficinas ejecutivas, alla arriba solo les importa el billete y seguir facturando a costillas del latino incauto.
La aprobación del 3 de enero del 2017, bajo Obama, fue el cambio de reglamento que dio a Televisa la exención de la Ley de Telecomunicaciones de 1934, que permite un máximo de 25% de control foráneo. Eso permitió que Televisa adquiriera hasta un 49%, y creó el precedente para que tuvieran que aprobarle a Televisa el 100%. Tan pronto ganó Biden, el entonces presidente republicano de la FCC se fue a trabajar con la compañía que le vendio a Televisa (Searchlight). Swamp!
Spot on with your analysis…Televisa executives put on their knee pads and performed verbal fellatio on the criminal ex-president and dictator wannabe…
This guy had been Sr. Toxicity since Day 1.
When he was specifically told not to spill the beans about his moving to LA from Mex, then the same day he spoke about it, releasing a big wave of chaos over the Station, Corporate and worse yet, to our dear colleague Raul P. back in the day.
Only certain prefabricated scandal about some politician, tamed the whole drama.
Then he got moved to Miami but by then his hopes to ax Ramos’s seat were long gone. Times were different under the new ownership.
And now?
He goes around the hand that feeds him and release vital Intel to the competitors ? Out of jealousy or revenge? What is wrong with you man?
He might be some Hijo de Papa, as someone stated above, but certainly he did not inherited his craft.
Come on, everyone knows the lack of balance in Univision! Now, the ‘vigilantes of justice’ are ‘hurt’ because of the Trump interview. This guy, Krauze, and all the others who are ‘terrified’ of Televisa’s editorial line, are ‘concerned’ after their active agenda to convince Hispanics that Democrats are the good and Republicans the evil for decades now. History will tell who was right and wrong. If they pretend to be so unbiased, they shouldn’t have closed their doors to conservatives in the first tenure of Daniel Coronell as they did.
I know nothing about this guy and whatever happened with the interviews or shows mentioned, so I won’t comment on that. On the other hand, I don’t understand many of the comments here, especially coming from folks supposedly in the news media…
So some here think that Univision has to be tougher on Trump and Republicans (than what they’ve already been doing every minute), kiss more Biden and the Dems, and ‘brainwash’ Latinos to think that they’re much better now with all the mess the current administration and many other local Dem administrations have given us? It’s sad that folks don’t defend and demand journalism, the way it should be. You should report the good and the bad of ALL parties and circumstances, make all the administrations and the powerful accountable, and present facts as honestly as possible for the public to make their conclusions. Are we ever going to experience any of that, especially in the Latino Media?
Have you seem the state of Journalism nowadays?
In general ?
And I certainly don’t mean to be rude with this, neither is a rhetorical question.
But, have you been really paying attention?
News TV as we know it , is on its way out.
As for Latino jJournalism, that part of the gamble left the building ages ago.
An interview with softballs and pussilanimous. Trump has many indictments, and this reporter didn’t question about it. What can you expect from Daniel Coronel?
Univision is the Hispanic branch of the Democrat Party. They could all pack their bags and never be missed…
Y vayan preparándose para el efecto rebote, cómo en las dietas.
Porque ahora, Jorgito y sus secuaces, pegarán el tirón a la izquierda más fuerte que nunca. Con la excusa de una entrevista blanda y complaciente a Trump, él le meterá a Wade Davis en la cabeza alguno de sus argumentos para recuperar la periodística de la empresa.
Siempre están menospreciando el intelecto hispano, ¿y cómo no? Si manejan la narrativa.
Me imagino que quisiste decir “recuperar la credibilidad periodística” jajajajajjajajjaaj
Porque a la verdad, la credibilidad de esa empresa deja mucho que desear. Siempre han sido los voceros del partido demócrata. Manejado por Daniel coronel y secundado por j Ramos y ahora la Ilia Calderón que se hace la sufrida jaja. Que pena con el pobre público hispano. Se comen cualquier vaina que les meten.
Dear Wade Davis;
There’s NOTHING to apologize for.
It’s sad to see you so sidelined by this people.
It seems that you still don’t understand the dirty way they operate.
You’ve tried your best, but they will drain every resource needed to push their editorial/political agenda.
Best of lucks.
Ya Univision 34 Los Angeles han recibido amenazas… aun asi Felicitaciones a la persona que le brindo todos los detalles como informante…si no jamas nos hubieramos enterado de esta patrañeria…
Otro izquierdista. Ahora todos se solidarizan. Ninguno sirve. Quiten a Jorge Ramos y extirpen ese melanoma ya.