Telemundo has rehired Gemma García to lead its network news division.
In her new role as executive vice president of news, she’ll oversee Noticias Telemundo’s news programming across all platforms, editorial units, digital news properties, news gathering and bureaus in the United States and Latin America. She’ll also lead coverage of the 2024 U.S. presidential election and the production of election-focused news specials.
She replaces Patsi Loris, who exited the company in mid-January.
García, who left Telemundo in 2023, returns to the U.S. network after a brief stint at Radio Televisión Española’s OTT media service RTVE Play.
García was previously Telemundo’s SVP of digital news. From 2019 to 2022, she was VP for network and digital news.
During her previous tenure, she helped develop and launch news franchises and initiatives, including environmental reporting unit Planeta Tierra, and Axios Latino, a Latino issues newsletter published in English and Spanish in partnership with Axios.
García first joined Noticias Telemundo in 2016 as executive producer of “Noticias Telemundo” from Spanish television broadcaster TVE, where she had worked as chief correspondent in New York, Italy, and North Africa, moving up to management as deputy head of TVE’s news department.
Well, congratultions to Ms. Garcia. But gfrom reading her bio, this sounds like more Globalwarming alarmist biaised coverage and more socialist leaning propaganda in Telemundo “news”. Sad. Are we ever going to see BALANCED (Not Left or Right, but FAIR) News in US Spanish-language media? Even in Spain they’re opening their eyes to all this. The audience should not be indoctrinated and treated like puppets, only getting what Dems/Liberals like and reported how Dems/Liberals want. Sad.
Your sentence has a few areas that could be improved for grammatical correctness and clarity:
I see you are one of those who blame the system for your failures and expect the government and TV news to do all the thinking for you. You want to stay away from the facts; that’s on you. Where do you get your news? Characters like you, who won’t even reveal their identity, should be banned from social media.
I appreciate you reading my comments and replying. Yes, I apologize that between the spellchecker sometimes acting weird and me trying to do things fast, I hit Send before proofreading my post.
As far as clarity, I guess you’re right too, but for different reasons. To be clear, what you’re saying about “the system” and “the TV or media” is precisely what I don’t want. I’m in America and don’t appreciate when the governmental system and their aggregates in the media, behave like being in Russia, Cuba, or North Korea, and want to think and decide for me or the public in general. Years ago, the American media, even when leaning left, used to be more responsible when reporting the news. In today’s world, with some rare exceptions, most media have turned into being more opinionated and agenda-driven than reporting fairly. I say this because I do consume news from Google News, liberal outlets like CNN, The Washington Post, The USA Today, etc., and conservative outlets like Fox, Newsmax, Breitbart, etc. I also check many social media platforms. I try to see different points of view. What I’ve found to be constant is that the legacy media usually all report the same things, in the same way, and omit the same stories or news that don’t seem to fit their approved line of thinking. The conservative media, usually have the same stories, but include many other news items that are omitted or ignored by the traditional media.
My point is that at least in the English language there are many options to compare, while those that depend or rely on Spanish news are mostly just getting one point of view or not getting the whole picture. Why would anyone not want to give the public -especially the Latino/Hispanic community- ALL the points of view and ALL sides of a story? Isn’t that what journalism and free speech is supposed to be?
That’s my opinion, and at no point did I use this to offend anyone. I rather would’ve liked to hear your point of view on the topic and why you agree or disagree with me regarding having a free and responsible press, instead of deflecting your reply to judging me or personally offending me. This is not what it’s about and it’s not healthy for a country that should embrace, welcome, and appreciate diversity, including diversity of thoughts.
I conclude here. Thank you.